Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Aidonia Cut From Alliance

It is official, deejay Aidonia has been booted from the Bounty Killer-led Alliance.

Although Aidonia was unavailable for a comment because he was in studio, his Road Manager, Kurt says the artiste wants to make it clear that he did not switch from the Alliance, but was kicked out.

"Well wi get a call still, the morning after Spectrum, saying Aidonia is disrespecting too much members of the Alliance and a meeting was held and they said they would rather that he leaves," Kurt said.

Kurt says, "the main problem stems from just one song, December's Deadline about stuff that happened to Aidonia during that time. An a really one line weh say, Mi neva call him name, but Busy dead a Sting, di people dem seh boo, instead a fling, a dah one line deh a di problem."



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